We're dedicated to helping those affected by asbestos exposure find representation to help them with their case, if qualified.
We have over 10 years experience providing online and offline resources to the public, and helping them find the professional assistance they need, free of charge through our automated matching system. Upon completion of an inquiry form on our website, you will be automatically directed to an attorney or advocate based on:
These three criteria are for purposes of providing automated matching of your needs to attorneys or advocates with the skill-sets you desire.
Only lawyers and advocates who have paid marketing fees are included on this advertising website, and therefore, are the only lawyers or advocates that will be informed of your request for additional information and/or free assessment or otherwise respond to your inquiry. There may be other attorneys or advocates in your area that could help you determine the merits of your potential claims.
1820 Preston Park Blvd., Suite 2200
Plano, TX 75093